Master's in Digital Marketing Trends In 2020

Digital marketing is the face of business.After the business has stepped into the digital environment, this whole world has slipped into the hands of digital darwinism. So no specific rules nor winning factors can be defined, even if defined those factors are never static , changes fast, prediction is short lived. Technology market is always driven by consumer’s interest . Now the consumers are from various global locations. This shuffles and reshuffles often.

So what can we do here? Survival of the fittest. And here we have a clue: Consumers’ interest!! Certain elements are up and loved by your consumers. Check those out here. The trending element of digital marketing in 2020.

Chatbot - customer service dominator:

Chatbots, artificial intelligence software that engages the customers naturally. It acts as a virtual host, communicates and assists them to complete their needs and resolve queries . AI keeps learning and offers improving service.

Already, more than 70% of the businesses are in the spurt to use chatbots in 2020. As they are 24-hour in service, instant response and take no breaks. Even 40% of customers go for online chatbots rather than waiting to talk in person. And the number of users will increase year by year drastically.

Using a chatbot for business will become inevitable close by. This is one of the fancy and dominating trends for this year.

Video marketing is an unavoidable option:

While the service and products are sold online, the text content cannot challenge the powerful visual media. Video marketing has become mandatory for every business. People are more into the mobile world and are watching videos more than ever before. And pandemic lockdown has raised the number even more.

Watching videos before a purchase has become a custom and they influence their buying decision. Moreover, businesses feel video content improves conversion rates. Video marketing is Customer-engaging with an added advantage with influence marketing.

Content is always the guru:

Google thinks smarter and better when it comes to content . It focuses more to analyse the content deeper and closely align with the user intent. To rank on the search result, satisfying google is more necessary. Google is always based on user intent and algorithms designed to understand the natural language flow , where content can never be compromised for anything.

Raw keywords, stuffed keywords can be easily spotted by crawlers than before. There should be a natural flow to present your content. You should check our google ranking and fluctuation 2020 article, which will help you to work on your SEO better.

Interactive content will become more favorite to the users than non-interactive content.

Alongside the chatbot, Voice over interaction is taking its pace up. This could be the future. You can't start afresh when the trend is up. So include this along with your website. People are getting more comfortable with these trends day by day. This is the new normal. That too after pandemic lockdown, people love to interact with computers more than ever. This is the beginning of new digital conversation marketing.

More 2020 titbit trends, but their impact is deep:
  • Email marketing is more personalised than ever.
  • Influencer marketing- this is the word-of- mouth type of marketing. Rather than an advertisement, influencer’s videos and recommendations reach faster and wider mass.
  • Penetrate your marketing into social messaging apps.
  • Mark your foot in visual search engines. As trends of ‘image search’ are getting higher. One day it will overtake keyword search.
  • Be in social media stories. To get into the sight of your millennial consumers, snapchat, instagram , youtube my stories is the most probable way. This helps to improve your brand awareness.

These trends will show what your customers are liking to do. These trends will help you understand your customers. To reach your new generation customer and increase your webpage traffic stay in trend.Happy marketing!!